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Is digital image correlation able to detect any mechanical effect of cranial osteopathic manipulation? – A preliminary study

Journal: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: 2018/09, 29Pages: 10-14. doi: Subito , type of study: clinical trial

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digital image [1]
cranial osteopathic manipulation [2]
skull [41]
sutures [9]
clinical trial [612]
pilot study [104]


Today there is still a controversy surrounding the existence of mobility between the bones of the skull, the foundation on which cranial osteopathy techniques are based. The lack of total closure for the sutures of young people or simply the suture discontinuity of the elderly would mean there is residual mobility or at least a weakness area. Objectives: The goal of our work was to study skull deformation as an indicator of possible mobility or altered stiffness area under slow loading on either side of the sagittal suture using a digital-image-correlation based system. Methods: Quasi-static load trials under compression were performed on 4 human skulls at a displacement rate of 0.5 mm/s. The digital image correlation technique was used to measure the maximum and minimum principal strain on the sagittal suture. Results: The results of this study show that the strain field remains homogeneous in the areas observed, even when compression force reaches values exceeding 100 N. Conclusion: No particular concentration of strain in the immediate vicinity of the suture was detected with our measurement method, which would have suggested a relative displacement or a weakness area in the region of the two bones margins on the sagittal suture.

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