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Additional Osteopathic Treatment as compared to Conventional Orthopaedic Therapy in Patients with Degenerative Complete Rupture of the Tendon of the Supraspinatus Muscle

Journal: Unpublished MSc thesis Wiener Schule für Osteopathie, Date: 2007/03, Pages: 67, type of study: controlled clinical trial

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rupture [2]
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tendons [3]
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controlled clinical trial [283]
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Abstract This study examines patients with degenerative complete rupture of the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle. My research question is the following: Is it possible to achieve better pain and shoulder function results in a patient group receiving osteopathic treatment in addition to conventional orthopaedic therapy than in a patient group only receiving conventional orthopaedic treatment? 11 individuals of an experimental group and 11 individuals of a control group were examined according to exact inclusion and exclusion criteria to answer this question. The members of the experimental group received osteopathic treatment in addition to orthopaedic therapy. The following five parameters (dependent variables) were used for evaluation of the therapeutic success: The patients had to indicate the intensity of their current pain on the 101-point visual analogue scale. The shoulder function was determined by evaluating active mobility in abduction, passive mobility in abduction with stabilisation of the scapula’s inferior angle and passive mobility in abduction without stabilisation of the scapula’s inferior angle, using a goniometer. As a fifth parameter, the practitioner evaluated the end-feel of passive abduction of the shoulder joint by using a 101-point numerical rate scale. The data of the two time points was statistically evaluated with the evaluative tool of repeated measures analysis of variance. For the most part my hypothesis has been confirmed. In the parameters pain, active mobility in abduction, passive mobility in abduction with stabilisation of the scapula’s inferior angle of the shoulder joint, as well as end-feel of abduction, the experimental group showed a better improvement than the control group. In passive abduction without stabilisation of the scapula of the shoulder joint no significant difference between experimental and control group was observed.

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