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Biomechanische Annäherung an die Dysfunktion - Teil 1
(Biomechanical approach to dysfunction - Part 1)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2007/02, 8(1):Pages: 13-16, type of study: article

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article [2076]
biomechanics [55]
center of rotation [1]
dysfunction [296]
kinematics [10]
velocity vector [1]
article [2076]


Osteopaths use the concept of dysfunction for the assessment of functional disorders that cannot be shown with common diagnostic procedures. Loss of mobility plays a major role within that concept. From a kinematical point of view amplitude is just one of different possibilities for describing movement as: center of rotation, velocity vector, movement index, helical axis of motion, harmonic motion curves, repositioning. These additional biomechanical criteria may contribute to a better clinical understanding of the dysfunction. In part one we want to introduce the centre of rotation and the velocity vector.

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