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Wie kam die Allopathie in die amerikanische Osteopathie?
(How did allopathy get into American osteopathy?)

Journal: DO - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie Date: 2003/04, 1(2):Pages: 33. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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allopathy [11]
article [2076]
broadists [2]
history [231]
lesionists [2]
USA [1086]


In his contribution on the history of Osteopathy in America, Christian Hartmann deals with the question how allopathy (which is sometimes also called heteropathy) entered into the realm of osteopathy in the United States of America. He confirms the fact that Still had already interpreted osteopathy as an improvement of existing medical practices. Later on, osteopathy experienced a struggle for supremacy between the traditional “lesionists” and the more academically inclined “broadists” which was finally won by the latter.

Abstract original language:
Der Frage, wie kam die Allopathie in die amerikanische Osteopathie, geht Christian Hartmann in seinem historischen Artikel nach. Er belegt, dass die Osteopathie bereits von Still als eine Verbesserung der bestehenden Medizin verstanden wurde. Der spätere osteopathische Machtkampf zwischen den traditionellen “Lesionists” und den eher schulmedizinisch eingestellten “Broadists” ging dann zugunsten Letzterer aus.

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