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Das Craniomandibuläre System und seine Effekte auf die Körperhaltung - Teil 1
(The craniomandibular system (cms). Part 1: The cms and its effects on the body posture)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2007/05, 8(2):Pages: 22-26, type of study: article

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article [2076]
communication [72]
evolution [7]
multifunctionality [1]
posture [76]
stress management [5]
craniomandibular system [2]
temporomandibular system [1]


In daily treatment, influence of the temporomandibular system on distance systems is often neglected. Various studies prove interference between TMS disorders and cervical spine or pelvine problems. Also its influence on other functional derangements is known. During evolution of man the primary function of the chewing system changed. Because of its multifunctionality the TMS interferes with posture, communication and stress management. Disorders of this complex system often lead to distant symptoms in human body.

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