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Muscle Energy Technique. Geschichte, Modell und Wirksamkeit, Teil 1
(Muscle energy technique. History, model and effectiveness - Part 1)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2005/07, 6(2):Pages: 4-10, type of study: article

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article [2076]
E. Stiles [1]
F. Mitchell Jr. [4]
F. Mitchell Sr. [3]
muscle energy technique [157]
MET [449]
P. Kimberly [1]
pelvis in balance [1]
T. J. Ruddy [1]


The article describes the development of MET, starting with the opinion of Fred Mitchell Sr. in regard to a pelvis in balance, Karl Kettlers idea of strain against resistance and Ruddys conceptual design of rhythmic contractions. It delineates Fred Mitchells efforts to develop methods for the treatment of somatic dysfunctions using the patients inherent energy for the treatment. In the descriptions various osteopaths of those times are given the floor. Their statements help to understand, which great innovation the concept of Muscle Energy Technique provided for osteopathy and they are allowing a glimpse on that person standing behind this development.

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