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Inter-examiner reliability in detecting cervical spine dysfunction: A short review

Journal: Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: 2002/04, 5(1):Pages: 24-27. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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article [2076]
cervical spine [210]
diagnosis [263]
inter-examiner reliability [8]
palpation [170]


Manual diagnosis of the cervical spine is widely used in those professions using manual therapy to detect somatic dysfunction that may be contributing to a patient's presenting complaint. Inter-examiner reliability in detecting cervical spine dysfunction is poor to excellent depending on factors such as examiner experience, incorporation of a patient's subjective report of tenderness and the motion palpation tests employed. Continued research into this area is necessary as the diagnostic methods taught to manual therapists are often based on tradition rather than good quality evidence. The current literature in this area is promising and there are a number of research avenues open to investigation.

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