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Das bedeutende Vermächtnis der osteopathischen Prinzipien
(The most important legacy of osteopathic principles)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2006/02, 7(1):Pages: 13-18, type of study: article

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article [2076]
mind-body-spirit interactions [1]
overarching-approach to healthcare [1]
parasympathic activation [1]


This article explains the origins of osteopathic principles and points out how they had their inspirations from the works of Rudolph Virchow of Germany, Louis Pasteur of France, and Charles Darwin of England. The article also explains how these principles work both within and among the structures of the mind, body, and spirit, with the last defined as the unconscious “drives“ underlying our thoughts and actions. Reportedly, these principles can give a “framework“ to analyze and to treat healthcare problems, much like a detective considers different dimensions (plot, scene, suspects, and motives) to solve a crime. The author compares this overview or framework to the perspective (causes) of reality of Aristotle and Einstein's “unified field theory“ in physics.

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