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Body-Mind-Spirit Connection as an Approach to Treatment of Spasmodic Torticollis

Journal: The AAO Journal Date: 2022/06, 32(2):Pages: 18-19. doi: Subito , type of study: case report

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case report [514]
OMT [2951]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [2973]
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spasmodic torticollis [3]


Introduction/Background: Spasmodic Torticollis (ST), also known as Cervical Dystonia, is a common disorder of the cervical musculature that causes repetitive movements and abnormal posturing. The etiology is often from trauma or neurological disease. ST may cause frequent, unpredictable, often painful contractions and significant functional impairment to a person’s activities of daily living. Case: A 70-year-old male presented to the OMM clinic complaining of severe, “burning, stabbing” neck pain and frequent uncontrollable muscle spasms. These symptoms persisted for the past 20 years, worsening over time. History was notable for past trauma and chronic postural abnormalities at the workplace. Osteopathic structural examination revealed: patient’s head grossly sidebent right and rotated left due to right SCM hypertonicity with a fine tremor present regardless of positional changes or motion. Right SBS torsion present. Cervical extension was limited due to tenderness. Results: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) was administered successfully over several months, specifically targeting the patient’s body-mind-spirit connection. Treatment outcomes occurred via re-training the affected SCM muscle, restoring head and cervicothoracic motion, and normalizing body position. Effective treatment modalities included: myofascial release, balanced membranous tension, strain-counterstrain, and muscle energy. Patient education, targeted muscle activation/ relaxation, at-home exercise regimens, and addressing psychological well-being played major roles in treatment success. Remarkably, the patient reported no abnormal contractions and near-complete pain relief, with approximately no head deviation from upright posture after treatment. Discussion: Our case study suggests that OMT as part of an integrated body-mind-spirit approach can provide effective first-line treatment for Spasmodic Torticollis. This holistic, osteopathic approach may be necessary for longterm pain relief and functional improvement for chronic ST cases. A limitation to this case is the lack of objective measurement of muscle contractions before treatment.

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