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Specific Adjusting Technique
(Specific Adjusting Technique)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2019/06, 20(2):Pages: 23-26. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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curves [1]
positional lesion [1]
triunity Routine-diagnosis [1]
specific adjustment [1]
floating field adjustment [1]
traumatically induced lesion [1]
article [2076]


The term „Specific Adjustment Technique” (SAT) has been coined by the British osteopaths Parnall Bradbury and Tom Dummer. Being a minimal approach it affects the whole through the part. Starting point for the specific diagnosis in SAT are the mechanics according to Littlejohn as well as the Triunity Diagnosis developed by Tom Dummer. On this base the functions of the pivotal segments are being assessed regarding their effect on the balance of the curves. Furthermore it is used for prioritizing and treatment of the primary pivot.

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