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Phylogenetics of the Fascial System

Journal: Cureus Date: 2020/10, 12(10):Pages: e10787. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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The fascial system, due to its enormous capacity to connect all other body systems, is currently highlighted for a better understanding of human life and health. The evolutionary theory is the most accepted explanation today to describe the development of this enormous variety of life on our planet. The report presents phylogenesis through the eyes of the fascial system. The development of the fascial system and its adaptations have made it possible to increase Homo sapiens' survival and success. We present a historical contextualization of the evolutionary theory followed by the main changes in the movement fasciae, in the transverse diaphragms, visceral fasciae, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and neural fasciae. The article presents the evolutionary perspective with the resulting increase in efficiency with less energy expenditure.

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