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Osteopathie als Chance für Kinder mit ADS/ADHS?
(Osteopathy as an opportunity for children with ADD/ADHD?)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2005/09, 6(3):Pages: 4-8, type of study: randomized controlled trial

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attention deficit disorder [5]
hyperactivity [17]
Conners scala [2]
holistic approach [3]
multifactorial process [2]
OMT [2951]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [2973]
randomized controlled trial [710]


Objective: Aim of this study was the reevaluation of the hypothesis that osteopathic treatment has a positive influence on children with ADD/ADHD. Design: Randomised clinical study. Setting: Children have been recruited from three promotion schools and one welfare-education daily place (HPT) in Munich and Bad Tölz and were diagnosed and treated in the practises of the authors of this study. Patients: 77 children of the age from 6 to 14 years could have been gained for this study. They all had as prediagnosis ADD/ADHD. 50 children were treated, 27 children were in the control group. Interventions: The children in the treatment group were osteopathically evaluated, that means in the parietal, cranial and visceral area. Afterwards they were treated four times on the basis of their diagnosis and finally once again evaluated. The children of the control group were not treated, they were diagnosed at the beginning and end of this study. Main outcome measures: Primary target parameter was the “Conners Scala“, which the parents filled in at the beginning and end of the study and which was analysed by a statistician. Secondary target parameters were a case history questionnaire and furthermore an osteopathic diagnostic report sheet, which was as well completed at the beginning and the end of the study. Results: The osteopathic treatment of the group of treated children resulted in a statistical significant improvement of just under 50% in regard to the primary target parameters, the “Conners Scala“, in fact in all questions. The diagnosis results showed as well clear improvements at the final evaluation. In the control group no improvements could have been determined in relation to the primary nor secondary target parameters. Conclusions: The positive results of this study confirmed our hypothesis. The osteopathic diagnosis and treatment can contribute a positive result in the treatment of children with ADD/ADHD.

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