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A.T. Still und der Methodismus. Einfluss des Methodismus auf A.T. Stills Entwicklung der osteopathischen Lehre und Praxis im Amerika des 19. Jahrhunderts
(A.T. Still and the Methodism)

Journal: Osteopathische Medizin Date: 2019/10, 20(4):Pages: 18-21. doi: Subito , type of study: article

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Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathy, was born into the family of a wandering Methodist preacher. While this Methodist legacy was recognized in some of his later writings for certain expressions and metaphorical meanings, little was known about the influence of this legacy on Still’s path to the discovery of osteopathy and its later practice. Th e author of this article suggests that there may have been positive infl uences from the Methodist heritage of Still that could have shaped the osteopathic concept and how it was practiced in its beginnings.

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