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Restoring Full Squat Range of Motion by Applying OMT to Superior Innominate Shear: A Case Report

Journal: The AAO Journal Date: 2019/06, 29(2):Pages: 7-12, type of study: case report

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OMT [2951]
osteopathic manipulative treatment [2973]
somatic dysfunction [147]
osteopathic medicine [1540]
hamstrings injury [1]
traumatic superior innominate shear [1]
full squat range of motion [1]
hurdle injury [1]
case report [514]


Hamstring injuries in sports are common and often require rest or more active rehabilitative efforts before returning to sport-specific participation. This case report provides a potential framework of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for an acute traumatic superior innominate shear where traditional medical treatment, including physical therapy sessions, failed to provide significant and/or complete resolution. In the present case report, a 17-year-old male high-school athlete presented with hamstring strain and proximal hamstring and low back pain, following a hurdle injury with fall on extended knee. He was found to have significant somatic dysfunctions related to his condition. An OMT approach was utilized to provide relief, restore his full squat range of motion, and ultimately return to nonrestricted football and basketball participation.

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